Grocery Store:


Customer's Name:
Suzanne J. Shephard

Suzanne J. Shephard, Attorney At Law

2775 Cottage Way Ste 13 Sacramento, CA 95825 US
(916) 484-3929
As you know, I have been a Cartvertising customer since August of 2012 and am very pleased with my Cartvertising ad, I understood that this type of advertising allows my business to be "branded" in front of shoppers who see my face and ad over and over again in the community. I've had several associates and two employees mention that they saw my Cartvertising ad at Safeway. In addition, I received calls from Several existing Clients telling me they saw the ad. But, I also received direct business from my Cartvertsing ad and picked up several new estate planning clients. Thank you very much for your excellent service. I highly recommend Cartvertising to any other attorneys who would like to brand their names in the community. I feel that it is the constant exposure and repetition that makes these ads successful for a law practice.
Suzanne J. Shephard
Suzanne J. Shephard, Attorney At Law
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